8:00pm – 9:00pm | Once a Week
Community Groups
We believe it is important for God's family to meet mid-week to study God's word together and pray for one another. We are meeting on Zoom while under COVID-19 restrictions, but hope to soon meet again in member's homes. Our study involves a deeper look at the scripture from the previous Sunday's sermon. You're welcome to join us! Simply contact us for a Zoom link.
9:30am | Tuesday Mornings
Ladies’ Bible Study
We focus our study on a book of the Bible and spend time praying for each other. Currently, we're looking at Paul's letters to the Corinthians. Normally, we meet in a member's home. You're welcome to join us! Simply contact us for more location and time.
9:00am – 1:30pm | Once a Month
Immanuel Sewing Group
We are a group of ladies from church and the community who love to sew. Our monthly meetings start off with coffee & tea, delicious snacks, and a brief devotion. Each month brings a new project—and we make all kinds of things! Since our first meeting in 2017, we have sewn Christmas stockings, zip bags, soft toys, pillowcases, a simple blouse, tea cosy, aprons, bunting, pajama shorts, patchwork blocks, and more! Once a year we devote a project to benefit the community. Members range from experienced to no previous sewing knowledge at all, so don't hesitate to join us!
Our members bring their own sewing machines, or share a machine. We meet either in the clubroom at Brentford Dock, or at a member's home. Ask to join our WhatsApp group for updates on meeting times and projects.