Privacy and Protection
Immanuel Church Brentford has various legal responsibilities, which we take seriously, and have policies and procedures in place to govern. Please get in touch for more information in any of these areas.
We have a responsibility to take care of everyone we encounter well, and have policies and procedures in place to ensure adults and children - especially those who are vulnerable are looked after appropriately. This includes detailed suitability checks for all those who have responsibility for others.
Our safeguarding policy can be found here.
If you have concerns about any children or adults in church, please get in touch with our safeguarding officer, Su Larson, who can be reached at
Data protection and privacy
One of the ways we ensure everyone at Immanuel is well cared for is to handle data appropriately. All personal data is handled in accordance with our data privacy policy, which is available on request.
This policy is reviewed regularly.
Personal data is held in accordance with GDPR regulations, and disposed of in appropriate ways.
Immanuel Church Brentford is a CIO and as such, all of our financial dealings are reviewed annually in a report to the Charity Commission.
If you have any questions about finance, please get in touch with